Thursday, October 30, 2008

Number Four-Jacob's Candy Corn

My friend Jacob's birthday was in July. He didn't get a cake. Slack cake maker. =(
I should probably be fired as a friend.

At any rate, this is his replacement birthday cake. I don't remember how he decided on candy corn. I think it came as the result of one of our very random conversations. Perhaps he'll leave a comment on the blog to shed some light on the subject.

This one was fun. It's a good thing he wanted candy corn and not a thousand angels dancing on the head of a pin (as we used to say at Pat-A-Cakes). The cake maker is tired.

Cakes 5-8 tomorrow. Oy.


AM said...

I love this cake. I'm not much for real candy corn, but this would be good.

Stephanie said...

thanks. i thought it was kinda cute. and it made jacob happy, i think.
i'm good for about half a bag of candy corn. after that, it's gross.