Thursday, September 11, 2008

The car...

So, it was a really long day and everything was all screwy. I had to make this cake for my friend Sandee to take to work, but I was running WAY behind and was supposed to be at a meeting at 7:30. I put the icing on the cake, packed up my colors and spatulas, and took the cake with me to finish decorating after the meeting was over so I could give it to Sandee. Except I got behind somebody that was driving like their car would explode if it went over 30 mph and I hit every red light in Rock Hill! I was late for the meeting and the doors were already locked. There was no way I was going to drive back home (because gas costs 80 bajillion dollars a gallon) and then come back to bring the cake, so I decided to sit in my car and wait. Then I thought it would be time efficient to just decorate the cake while I was sitting in the car waiting. Seriously. I decorated this cake while I was sitting in the front seat of my car. That was a new one...

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