Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ray's Birthday

It was my friend Ray's birthday. Cake time. Here it is.BIrthday

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Colin's R2-D2

It's Saturday and I can't go anywhere because I don't have a first born to give up to get gas, so I thought I'd post some old pictures. This was Colin's 5th birthday cake. It could be my favorite cake ever. I LOVED this cake. Loved coming up with the idea, loved figuring out how to make it, loved making it, loved seeing Colin's face when he saw it, loved eating it. Just loved it.
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Thursday, September 11, 2008

The car...

So, it was a really long day and everything was all screwy. I had to make this cake for my friend Sandee to take to work, but I was running WAY behind and was supposed to be at a meeting at 7:30. I put the icing on the cake, packed up my colors and spatulas, and took the cake with me to finish decorating after the meeting was over so I could give it to Sandee. Except I got behind somebody that was driving like their car would explode if it went over 30 mph and I hit every red light in Rock Hill! I was late for the meeting and the doors were already locked. There was no way I was going to drive back home (because gas costs 80 bajillion dollars a gallon) and then come back to bring the cake, so I decided to sit in my car and wait. Then I thought it would be time efficient to just decorate the cake while I was sitting in the car waiting. Seriously. I decorated this cake while I was sitting in the front seat of my car. That was a new one...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Part of Your World.....

"Look at this cake, isn't it neat..." I had to sing Little Mermaid songs the whole time I was decorating this one. It was for my new little friend Kendra. She loved it! It was definitely worth the effort when I saw her face! I love making cakes for kids. =)

Oh the cake...

So I had to make this Bud Light can in a Georgia Bulldogs koozie for my friend Justin's birthday today. It tested my patience. I totally failed the test! I'm definitely tired of cake today!

And for the record, I hate Georgia. Hate them. Hate their stupid football team, hate most of their grouchy fans, hate their ugly dog. Thus the Boo Georgia message on the back of the cake!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Seriously, Gamecocks?

Two years in a row to Vanderbilt??? Seriously??? Seriously??????? Perhaps it was the new design on the cake. Maybe I should go back to the plain old gamecock!!!! Oh well. The cake was yummy! =)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Dad's Birthday

Today was the first of the September birthdays--Dad's. He and Mom are going to Kentucky for the National Quartet Convention for their birthdays. Whatever floats their boats, I guess. Anyway, that's the reason for the decoration. The cake must have been good. Colin ate the cake, not just the icing!